Bride between the trees of the garden to the car for the ceremony, captured by the wedding photographer in Lisbon.

And now I am getting married, with a photographer as a witness of the wedding ceremony


Bride between the trees of the garden to the car for the ceremony, captured by the wedding photographer in Lisbon.

When the bride, already on the street, leaves for the wedding ceremony at the Mafra Basilica

The big moment of the day, the wedding ceremony

The bride’s departure, from home to the car that will take her to the ceremony, is an excellent opportunity for the wedding photographer to bring some interesting photos. It is a moment that melts together relaxation and anxiety because the bride leaves behind all the bustle and starts the way to the big moment of the day, with a yes and rings.

Not always does the passage places from one interior to the other, from the house to the car, have some photographic interest to justify the presence of the wedding photographer, but if we think about the bride, we just need to point our attention to her, and in the companions, and we find lots of reasons to be there.

Those unique moments of the bride

That small walk ends with one of the most thankful photographic offers of the day. The bride is inside the car but, yet, getting comfortable, finding the best place for the dress, and, at the same time, communicating with everybody around her. That gives me special conditions to photograph fast, isolating those unique moments of the bride, which my wedding photographer part is so grateful for. 

Bride at the building door, reflected in a giant mirror.
Bride ready to enter in the car, with the help of the family.
Bride in the car, smiling, ready to go to the ceremony.

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