Sometimes, wedding photographers do not know some of the changes and lose the timeline to follow. This can happen because it is something that the bride and groom do not know because someone was in charge to update me and simply forgot it or because it was a real surprise hidden in a top-secret mind or, still, a gift from someone which the photographer does not count for anything.
Because of that, the wedding photographer must be, all the time, very attentive to a very small change in the circumstances, every not scheduled stop or some people moving, out of the usual. So, I must have all my tools near my hands and, at any small sign, find, quickly, where to park the car and run to the center of attention.
This is because these photos might not have been if the wedding photographer hadn’t all the time in a state of alert very high and detected that something different was happening, in front of him. I had no idea about what was going to happen. The only thing I knew was that to know the way to the venue, a church was on my left side and the Quinta da Ramila was only a few kilometers ahead. That is why it is good, sometimes, to be one of the last to leave the ceremonial place, with the couple.
Everybody seemed to know what was gonna happen, except the wedding couple… and me. And no one remembered the poor wedding photographer. But I can not complain about it, I am, all the time, saying that I want to be invisible.