Two photos of children during the wedding ceremony in the parish church of Atouguia
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My mother says I look very beautiful, for the wedding
I still did not understand why all these people were there. And I can not play as I like and where I want, jumping these very long chairs that could be nice horses, air plains, and other things that I do not remember now.
My luck was the new toy that I could take with me everywhere and helped me to get out of this mess, where I was forced to wear these uncomfortable clothes with a color I did not like, but my mother says that I am very beautiful. If she says…she knows. For now, I am entertained and when it is time to go, just tell me.
The photographer has been here, taking pictures
Look at this beautiful little girl just near me, I only want to party with her. My mama already told me to not talk because we can not make noise here. But the nice girl let me play with her hair, which is a very nice thing to do while mama is entertained to find spectacular something that I did not notice because I am very little and I do not understand anything around me.
Another thing we did not know is that a guy called Mr. Photographer has been here watching around and, even if we did not notice, photographed us, as he says so that one day we will remember this. Can be, but for now, we only want to play because we do have nothing more to do in this big house full of people, for what we do not know. Maybe, one day, with the wedding photographer‘s work, we will understand.