Bride viewed by a small door aperture, almost as a silhouette, when ready to go for the ceremony, viewed by the wedding photographer in Lisbon.

How the photographer sees what he see, at a wedding


Bride viewed by a small door aperture, almost as a silhouette, when ready to go for the ceremony, viewed by the wedding photographer in Lisbon.

On the habit of peeking at the wedding photographer to collect the photos that happen on the wedding day

The approach of the photographer to the cover of the wedding

Well, wedding photographers do not do this because of some sort of mania or only by chance. These photos that I show, as if I was passing through the door or window, and saw the bride in the preparation stage, or ready, were done before as been photographed.

That is just a part of the approach of the photographer to the cover of the wedding. Go out of the stage and, after, try to find different angles and points of view to photograph and being, really, outside.

Because I do not have a Super Man vision, nor my cameras, I can not see through the walls, so I try to take advantage of the door’s small apertures, windows half closed, or some sort of weird mirrors. I must say that those solutions, usually, are one of my best friends, giving me results impossible to achieve in other ways. What is important is that photography happens.

Dress a photo

I used to use an expression I love very much. Dress a photo. That is what I am trying to do with all this peeking. Finding elements in the surroundings of my main subjects, the bride, groom, and the stage, and using them to dress these characters.

That is the first thing I do when I enter that place. With that achieved, the wedding photographer, now, asks for the wisdom of his lens and the technique of his cameras to help him to compose and transform those peeking-in clothes as if they were made by the masters of high fashion.

Bride seated after get dressed and ready for the departure for the wedding ceremony.
Bride smiling involved with unfocused,  in the departure for the wedding.

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