The groom is helped by the father to put on the coat of the wedding suit, by the wedding photographer in Lisbon.

In the wedding the groom and those who help him, viewed by the photographer


The groom is helped by the father to put on the coat of the wedding suit, by the wedding photographer in Lisbon.

The photos are of the groom preparing for his wedding ceremony with the help of his father

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Show photos from those moments, at the wedding

When we finished the process before going to the bride, we had a very busy groom. Usually, we do not find the groom the same amount of people that we have with the bride. That is why the wedding photographer must use his imagination to make the process, also, photographable and interesting. The technics and the improvisations are not so different, but more synthesized.

Because the groom is a more self-made man, who is with him does not need to work so hard. Of course, there are those moments when some help is very welcome, and when needed, we find someone to ensure that because being near it is very good to help. I believe so and I show that in my photos from those moments.

Everything motivates the wedding photographer

That is a fact that everything motivates the wedding photographer. Who does it, who helps him, and those who just observe and wait for the moment to give a hand if needed? I just need to be aware that there is always a way to use all the present elements as if they were characters of a tale that will be told one day. That is all, being aware.

Groom seen through a half-open door
The groom puts on his shoes with his father and mother, seen in a mirror.
Groom buttons his shirt collar with his tie and vest in hand.
In a circular mirror, the groom adjusts his tie.


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