A girl is surrounded by golden lights at Vila Galé Collection Palácio de Arcos, at the get ready of the bride.

Kids at the wedding


A girl is surrounded by golden lights at Vila Galé Collection Palácio de Arcos, at the get ready of the bride.

Some photos of a little girl with the bride, preparing for the wedding at the Vila Galé Collection Palácio dos Arcos in Oeiras

Children, the center of attention

I have no doubt that when children enter the space of the adults, preparing something, they are, instantly, the center of attention. Even the wedding photographer with the obligation to focus on the bride or the groom, can not stay out of that attraction and, of course, he knows that nice photos can be done with that presence.

That is funny how some sort of thing comes into our presence and we, as wedding photographers, feel that impulse to transform them into photos. I do not know if some of you already had the opportunity to see the door of an anthill. The ants are always changing direction and if we pay attention to one of them it seems that she does not know the way of always turning around, even if we know that in the anthill nothing works without sense.

The wedding photographer finds a way

Sometimes I feel just like that. I am that ant, part of the process of the wedding, that seems to lose the north and, afflicted, try to find the best way to fulfill his job. That is when kids enter the space that, supposedly, was within our control. But like the ant with its purpose, the wedding photographer always finds a way and never loses a bit. I assure you.

Bride's hair with flowers, still in makeup.
As if the bride's face were a canvas in the artist's hands, during its preparation.
Girl arrives at the bride getting ready site, who talks to her.
Little girl with her doll next to her mother.
On her mother's lap, a girl watches the preparation, for the wedding, of the bride's mother's hair.

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