This wedding was very important for several reasons. The wedding photographer was working with new cameras and a new format, a new lens that allowed me more intense effects with my photos, it was on the last day of the year and passing to the next with the best wishes, as usual, and I needed to give the same photographic importance to the two beautiful daughters.
The coincidence of the wedding with new year’s Eve was a nice offer because the guest party spirit surpasses the energy found in usual family weddings. Everything was in a nice restricted but cozy space, at the Restaurante Montes Claros in Monsanto, Lisbon. From the ceremony to the party, everything was a great reason for the wedding photographer to catch all the moments and record them on the beloved brand-new cameras.
I just have to thank Joana and Daniel for the choice they had, giving me the opportunity to be with them, photographing the wedding day. It was a great end of the year and a joyful new beginning.