Photos during the bride and groom’s socializing with guests, after the wedding ceremony at the Penha Longa Resort in Sintra
Pick up, here and there, conversations for photos of the wedding
I already wrote here about the gladness I have when I find some rituals, at the wedding, that come from other places. I must say that this habit, of cutting a heart in a white fabric sheet, is not news to me but it is always an attraction to any wedding photographer. I’ve met it before and I find, based on a challenge, it is an excellent beginning for a life together because the last to cut is part of the heart that will carry the other through the hole, just opened. As you can imagine, the bride always wins.
Walking around is something that points to photography. At the most relaxed moments of the conviviality, usually before the meal or after it and according to the places that appeal to that relaxing, I find, always, as a wedding photographer, several reasons to pick up, here and there, some conversations, some just being there, a long-delayed meeting or, simply, the bride and the groom to thank their guest’s presence.
Completing memories with my photographs
I take my peeking side. But I was indeed contracted to it. So, the presence of the wedding photographer is peaceful in the middle of the group gathered to celebrate this big day of the couple. It would not be a good thing not to use that to catch the best and the most amount of photos as I can. In the end, my couple of the day will be the winner with all those memories to complete with their own.