With the bouquet in hand, the bride walks through the Lisbon Metro ticket controllers on her way to the wedding ceremony.

One bride in Lisbon


With the bouquet in hand, the bride walks through the Lisbon Metro ticket controllers on her way to the wedding ceremony.

The photo is of the bride getting on the Lisbon Metro to go to the venue for the wedding ceremony and party

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A wedding day has a story

Usually, we use in our blogs photos that show better what we do. At a wedding photographer blog, a bride walking and passing the doors of the underground ticket in Lisbon can be far away from the romantic and diaphanous environment with the groom.

But a wedding day has its own story and a way to go. As in life, the wedding day is a go, it is built of situations which, at the end of the day, will be complete with the departure of everybody, knowing that a new step in the life of the groom and the bride just begin.

That is why I love this photo. It is a moment in the way. A  moment of a passage, a go-to an essential thing, life. I have done it and I love it

Texto e foto: Fernando Colaço

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