Black and white portrait of the bride after the guests have departed from the party, by the wedding photographer in Estoril.

Only another photo in the wedding day


Black and white portrait of the bride after the guests have departed from the party, by the wedding photographer in Estoril.

Because two photographs were taken after the end of the wedding party at the Palácio Estoril Hotel in Estoril, Cascais.

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Just to finish the day. Even after the end of the party, the wedding photographer still challenges the couple to one more group of photos, which must be done. Challenge accepted, how do you want us? Like that. The party is over, they are waiting for some rest, and nothing better than showing that. It is wedding photography but after, although, still here. Confused? Well…

If there is anything any photographer has it is will always look through a luminous rectangle and cut in pieces everything he directs to the eyes. That vision comes with an insatiable appetite, sometimes, maybe, annoying to those he wants to copy and write with light. But it was not. António and Filipa, without the need of great moving around and with joy, offered themselves to my lens, always thirsty because they are worse than me, and, just because it is true, on here two of them.

Making a portrait never tires me. Maybe, sometimes, those I am photographing, or better, because of my restlessness I am always afraid to overtake the time and energy of those in front of my cameras. I think it never happened, maybe by kindness or because the joy was the same. It is true that, sometimes, I take advantage and I find, always, an undone portrait that must be fulfilled. Maybe that is the wedding photographer’s personality and it is too late to change.

Black and white portrait of the groom sitting in the already empty wedding party room.

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