Braid hair of the bride in mirror held by hands, in the get ready for the ceremony, by the wedding photographer in Portugal.

Only three photos, to a wedding day at Quinta da Ramila


Braid hair of the bride in mirror held by hands, in the get ready for the ceremony, by the wedding photographer in Portugal.

Photos of the bride’s hair in a mirror, the shoes for the wedding party and a dress already worn

Tell the story of the wedding day

Coming to that small talk, between wedding photographers, about how many photos are needed, to tell the story of the wedding day, I made myself choose only three photos, from the bride’s side, to remind me of that day. To me, the wedding photographer is there, at the wedding. Because I am not someone used to rationalizing everything about what I find in front of my eyes, I look, I see and I pick up. So, I did it.

One mirror with the bride’s beautiful braid. Her shoes. The ceremonial ones and the party ones. The bride is dressed in the bride’s dress. Of course, by themselves, they do not tell the story of the day to anyone who was not there, because the wedding photographer is the only person who walked through the process until the party is over, or almost. 

Those photos are, only, for my pleasure. They are the most beautiful of the day? No. They are the most important? No. Do they have some intrinsic form of art? I do not think so. So, Why?

Unique photos

Simple, in today’s first look, I liked them. Maybe because they represent the several steps of my way, during the wedding day cover. How many times have I photographed brides being hair-dressed, I photographed their shoes, their dress, and the dress already dressed transforming them into brides, for everybody, in the way they move.

They make me remember that no matter what I photograph moments like this, I, always, bring with me different things. They have no braids because the mirror is round. After all, the shoes were in a different place and the door, in another part of another house, forced me to a different angle for the point of view. Maybe.

But the important thing I must remember myself, looking at these photos, is that they are unique. Impossible to remake elsewhere.

Shoes of the bride, ceremony and party, near a bunch of flowers.
Bride almost ready with the dress, viewed from outside the room, ready for the wedding ceremony.

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