Flowers in the bride's hair, in a photo on mobile phone, taken advantage of by the wedding photographer.

Peeking photos in the wedding day


Flowers in the bride's hair, in a photo on mobile phone, taken advantage of by the wedding photographer.

Of the others photographing the wedding day at the Vila Galé Collection Palácio dos Arcos in Oeiras

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A festive day with good wishes, the wedding day

I already wrote here that I am not the only photographer on the wedding day. Those events always had some second-line photographers competing, in some ways, with the contracted ones. I do not like the very much the competing concept and I do prefer complementing.

Of course, the official one believes to have all the priority in the moving for a better point of view and that, sometimes, collides with the impulse of the amateur, the one that loves very much, that cut him the way, without mercy, to the better place to memorize that very special moment, before peeked in the corner of the eye.

A wedding photographer who loves …photos

Because I am not a vindictive kind of person, a sentiment very powerful in a day designed to be festive and with good wishes, I find myself profiting, as a gracious parasite, some moments that other photographers are delightedly enjoying. Smartphones are, to me, like cakes to sweet-toothed. Every time I see them in action, here I go.

It is almost a concept to deepen in Expertise magazine. Photographing the photographing act with a photo already photographed. Awesome. I only need that text and the magazine. But in photography, the photo is only what matters and we do not need that text. Do not pay attention …it is just a wedding photographer thing that loves photos.

Wedding guest takes a photo with a cell phone which the wedding photographer takes advantage of.
The bride's parents photograph her with their cell phones.
Mother and bride on father's cell phone.

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