Moment when the bride's lips are painted for the wedding day, under the gaze of the wedding photographer.

The important things in wedding photography


Moment when the bride's lips are painted for the wedding day, under the gaze of the wedding photographer.

The photo is of the bride, a detail of her face painting her lips as she prepared for her wedding day.

The wedding photographer will preserve, as a memory

When did I decide to start as a wedding photographer, a big question was always in my mind: how? How a wedding photographer should present his work and get a client satisfied, but better than that, how to get a work that will preserve, as a memory, more than a few days after the wedding.

How the photos can show several years after when the need to remember, or on a nostalgic rainy day, the essence of what happened in a changing and started a new era of the two persons. How the author of the photos could have the satisfaction of knowing that his work resisted the passage of time?

Finding the simple things, for wedding photos

 It is not easy to combine all those questions. Only time will tell if we are right or wrong about the decisions we need to make, in all those spot moments, on the wedding day. We just need to have, as photographers, some condiment seasoning at a party day dish, and we adjust the method, the way to look at things, and, without noticing, we verify that we are doing better, profiting from the moments and, especially, we agree more to the eyes of our clients.

I see myself going, more and more, finding the simple things. The image reflected in a mirror, looking through the just open door, the gesture of applying the earring or finishing the new tie, some eyes looking eyes in the front of the altar through the flowers branch which become, by the miracle of my lens, a beautiful cotton wool cloud that embraces and bless that love for better universe balance.

Like that, simple and…beautiful must be the life of the wedding photographer

2 Responses to “The important things in wedding photography”

  1. admin

    Thank you Nadhiya for spending some of your time in my blog. I appreciate that very much. Best regards.

  2. Nadhiya

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