Light. Those in science say, and if they say it’s because they know, that light is an electromagnetic radiation forming part of the electromagnetic spectrum perceived by the human eye. So, what does it matter for a wedding photographer?
Well, there is the side of the technique and the tools. There, for sure, the gentlemen engineers, who invent the cameras I use, have to take those electromagnetic radiations, invent something similar to the human eye and, as if by a miracle, impossible to the druids from the time of Asterix and Obelix or to alchemists who wanted to make gold with everything they picked in the backyard, photography happened, for our fascination and use without ever going out of fashion, only changing the evolution of the tools.
But, for the wedding photographer light is a raw material without which no photography could be. Said, or written, this way it seems that I am some technocrat who analyses data and that the materials I use are nothing more than a stock at my disposal to use as I please.
Nothing could be more wrong. Despite all the technology to catch the light in my hands, when in the demands of wedding photography, what is outside them is bathed in light, and only then they, my lenses that offer light to the inside of my cameras that transform them into the photographs that, I hope, will delight those who see them. Now, a word will never appear in a business management sheet. Enchanting.
That is what the light does to us when it envelops the trees in the forest on autumn evenings and accentuates the range from the yellows to the reds of the leaves that are about to be detached from the trees and become a delicate carpet worthy of the best weavers.
But, also, it is she who, at the wrong angle, intensity, and tone, can completely ruin that photograph, part of a story that is being written by a wedding photographer somewhere. She is also the one who, sometimes and without warning, disappears and the photograph simply doesn’t happen.
But, it is true, it is she who turns into a poem when she is in a good mood to offer herself to the wedding photographer, on the side and all right, whatever the source that pours it on those who, with a great sense of gift, do not stop offering photographs at the wedding, which only need to be harvested by those who know how to harvest them.
For my part, I never get tired of it.