During the wedding ceremony, the priest blessing the bride and groom kneeling in front of the altar, captured by the wedding photographer in Oeiras.

The moment as the essence of the wedding photographer Portugal’s work


During the wedding ceremony, the priest blessing the bride and groom kneeling in front of the altar, captured by the wedding photographer in Oeiras.

The liturgy of the moment. It’s written in a dictionary that I turn to see if I haven’t invented yet another word, while I write for the wedding photographer a new article here on his Blog because I have a lot of that gift or ignorance.

The dictionary says that a moment can be a tiny space in time, an event of short duration, the product of a lever arm by what is applied perpendicularly to it, or, among other weird things, the product of mass by the quantity of movement. Get it? I don’t. Ah, I like this one a lot: which does jokes. That’s what I get for consulting the dictionary instead of my cameras, which, as soon as I asked them both, answered me in unison: the moment is a photo. Full stop. Well, I had suspected for a long time that that was it.

If you are one of those people who look around here you know that I’m always writing about them, the moments. Also, when I catch them, they come out with matching photos. I don’t know why people waste time making dictionaries and forget about photos. I get it, not everyone has the gift of asking things to cameras used to weddings and understanding what they answer.

Okay, I’m done here, back to the moments. On a wedding day, they are everywhere and in every tiny space of time. That’s exactly when I notice them and pick them up, run them through the space, at least the one that goes from where they are to my lens that I’m using for that moment and save them, or ask to save them to the camera that’s in charge of doing it. It’s true that without them, the lenses, and the cameras, I might as well find that I’m not taking them anywhere.

Wedding photographers are always talking about the right moment. I understand, it’s just that for one moment you need two, practically at the same moment. I’ll explain: the photographer at the wedding detects a moment in time when the bride is about to hand the ring to the groom.

At the same moment, a look, a gesture, and a smile coincide, and that must be included in a wedding photograph. Now, at that moment, the photographer has to react at the same moment of the moment that is happening, so that he can transform it into a photograph.

In other words, there is the moment of the moment and there is the moment of the reaction of the wedding photographer and they have to happen at the same moment. Confused? Me too, I don’t know if I explained myself well.

But, when at the moment I need to turn the moment into a photograph, I am rarely confused. It’s not that I always hit the right moment to catch the moment but the degree of effectiveness is high. So, I hope you’ve been enlightened at this point, at this moment.

Seen in profile, the bride and groom kneel in front of the priest who blesses them for the wedding, next to the ring boys and the godparents, seen by the wedding photographer in Oeiras.

Among guests throwing flowers and grains of rice for good luck, the bride and groom leave the church after the wedding ceremony, by the wedding photographer in Oeiras.

View of the Church with the bride and groom and their guests at the end of the ceremony, in a frame by the wedding photographer in Oeiras.

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