Photo taken at a wedding in Quinta de Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora of a mother playing with its little daughter.

The moment in the wedding photography


Photo taken at a wedding in Quinta de Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora of a mother playing with its little daughter.

The photo is of a mother, whom this photographer photographed at her wedding, talking to her daughter during the wedding party at Casa de Reguengos

The moment and photographers at weddings

Those moments. Maybe the most used word when wedding photographers talk with each other is those compliments about the work of their colleagues that they, also, chase during the all working day at a wedding. The moment. That point in space and time, unrepeatable, happens with the combination of several elements which, if profitable at the right time, may feel butterflies in the stomach of every photographer chasing that one photo as if he was a knight in demand of great conquests.

And they are everywhere. The wedding photographer may need some training to find the chaotic all, which is the wedding day ambient, with a great number of people in constant movement and interaction in several spaces, all day long. It is needed to start to observe. It needs to break in parts, observing by sections and fast because they, the moments, think they are restless kids and they change immediately…to another moment.

Happenings that attract cameras and lenses, as photographs

To me, it was some sort of amusing when in general and in all of the wedding group, everybody was occupied with those things with not so much photograph interest. Drinking, eating, or just talking with the next neighbor. But, as the experience taught me, I discovered those layers that, once noticed, have those happenings that are strong attractions to my cameras and lens. And, because the wedding photographer depends on them to make a living, it is better not to disappoint them, it is not?…

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