From a set of photographs of a wedding ceremony at Quinta das Riscas in Faias, Montijo.
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The selection
What is important to capture in the fast civil wedding ceremony? To the wedding photographer, there is a great difference between a wedding ceremony in a church or in a venue, with the state representative. In the church, the photographer has time to experiment with different solutions that he feels are more appropriate to tell the story or with aesthetic choices.
With the civil ceremony, it is a different case. With the fastness of the ceremony, the photographer must be more selective in the choices and never leave the essentials out of the cover. If it is worth it? No. I only need to have another criterion. The first step is to evaluate. What I can find in the space that can help me and, with the fastness I need, to know how to take advantage.
The stimulus
After that, again, with lightning speed, photograph everything in the brain, without a camera, and observe in a fraction of a second everything and everybody in the place. Who is most important and where they are, how they are grouped and from where must be the better point of view, the place where the wedding photographer takes the photo. After that photographing without photographing is easy, it is just starting to…photograph.
I never stopped being a wedding photographer in any of those places. Each one stimulates me differently. I remember when I started, some years ago, and I recognize that it was very different. Today is just a question of methods. The pleasure is the same…
- In Quinta das Riscas in Montijo, Portugal

- Search more about the wedding photographer Fernando Colaço. Learn why he photographs weddings and what his working method.