Couple, present at a wedding ceremony, speak to each other viewed by the wedding photographer.

The other characters of the wedding


Couple, present at a wedding ceremony, speak to each other viewed by the wedding photographer.

Some photos of wedding guests

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The guests will witness

They are, also, there. They are the main reason. The guests of the couple will witness that those two persons will compromise in a ceremonial act, in a chosen place and appropriate to the act. They, with love, family connection, or other bonds, like heralds of the king, will tell the world what happened there.

Well…so the wedding photographer. And he can not forget that seated in the back of the couple he has people, witnessing the big event, and sowing them all the love they have for them by their presence.

Opportunity to observe, and photograph

As the wedding photographer, I must recognize that it is a very good opportunity to observe and harvest all those presences that attract my ecstatic cameras and lens that humble collect photos, never leaving an opportunity to enjoy. That is why I am always coming back.

Little girl on her mother's lap during a wedding ceremony.
Father with his daughter as they attend a church wedding.
Attentive father with his baby daughters during a wedding ceremony.

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