As soon as the wedding ceremony is over, the bride and groom embrace each other emotionally, in a moment captured by the wedding photographer at Montes Claros - Lisbon Secret Spot.

The photographer and the importance of moments in a wedding


As soon as the wedding ceremony is over, the bride and groom embrace each other emotionally, in a moment captured by the wedding photographer at Montes Claros - Lisbon Secret Spot.

  A moment. A fleeting event as if it was done on purpose but not arranged, for the wedding photographer, like all those that happen at the wedding and he picks them up with a far superior satisfaction, among those that offer him those moments.

Do not doubt even a bit. Nothing made me happier on a wedding day, with my camera over my right eye than having detected that conjunction of acts, movements, and gatherings that ends in this special moment that, exactly in that instant, everything worked to be the joy of any photographic camera as if they, the moments, were the main reason of her existence.

  Some time ago there was a video on the internet that showed a picture viewed by three people. A movement detection machine followed people’s eyes for a specified amount of time and marked, over it,  red lines that represented the way of the eyes during the observation.

It was an art student, a “regular” person, and a photographer. Seeing the result of the watching process of the student and the “regular” person it was possible to see what was the picture. Some lines but not cover entirely the picture. But when we see the path of the photographer’s eyes it is another story.

The times he went through the details of the picture, maybe analyzing the compositions, the use of the light, the distribution of the elements inside it, the tones of the colors, and his importance for the sensation of dimensionality and who knows what more resulted in a poor picture stained in red, almost completely impossible to see over it. In a forum of colleagues of mine, we discussed that and we all identified with that photographer’s eyes, the wedding ones included.

    Without this learned ability with the experience, not because we are special, it was impossible to grab those moments we love so much.

They make us move around and our eyes are constantly searching for them in someone who cuddles someone, in the small group in perfect composition, the big laugh that makes the wedding photographer run to pick it up in time, that strange way of dancing or, even, the sleeping one over two chairs because it was what was there and the sleep just wanted to sleep.

It is that ability of the wedding photographer that allowed him to have the possibility to show the photographed ones, already stopped forever, like a photograph is, taken from a precise and very important event.

Sometimes it is annoying because we do not catch them all in time, but as with everything in life. What is important is that, at the end of the day, we picked up a handful of good moments that, together, will tell the story of the day.

That is what drives this wedding photographer, every time he is at a wedding.

-From a wedding at Montes Claros – Lisbon Secret Spot In Parque Monsanto in Lisboa.

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