Because of photographs of a wedding ceremony in the Basilica of Mafra
Basilicas and hermitages for weddings
I have already, photographed weddings inside the bigger and more wonderful Basilicas of Portugal and in the small tiny Chapels that we can imagine. In some, we feel overwhelmingly involved by the dimension of the space, making us so small that it seems we get lost inside.
In the others, we feel humble, involved exactly with the same importance of the local as if the space, the architecture, only had a formal value. Only what is done there is important. In either extreme, the wedding photographer is completely focused on finding all the photos offered differently, but equally, by each of the spaces.
The involvement of the bride and groom
Any of them has its beauty for, in a way, involves the marrying couple and gives them the blessing, that will endure in their memories, always reinforced with the photos that the wedding photographer will leave them.
It is true that I, always, let me wonder about the size of the basilica or, even, a cathedral and connect to my camera a lens that will take it all with me as a unique photo and, with another lens, all the nuances of tone and texture that will involve my wedding couple, and after transforming them in paper pages of the book that, meantime, I will deliver them, for my joy and their satisfaction.
The right point of view for the moment of photography
But the four white walls of the tiny chapel, by his simplicity, can give me a light, although I need to melt myself with the walls and tight corners and, once achieved the right point of view, always dazzling me with that offer, as if their pride for their simplicity does not let them fall behind the grandiosity of her bigger sisters.
Being a wedding photographer I allow myself that. Knowing that both, in the end, are so benevolent to me offering me the best I can find in each of them. I am sure of that, every time I come back to each one.