Dove flying in the front of a group of wedding guests in Nazaré, ready to be photographed by the wedding photographer in Portugal.

The photographer and the surprises, on a wedding at Nazaré


Dove flying in the front of a group of wedding guests in Nazaré, ready to be photographed by the wedding photographer in Portugal.

A dove flies in the center of a group photo, taken right after the wedding ceremony in Nazaré

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Catching those events in photographs

There are some things that wedding photographers can not control. Sometimes, some scheduled event in time, observed and prepared by someone with the obligation of catching those events in photographs, can not happen and, other times, some unexpected happens and transform that moment into something special.

I am sure that the pigeon, or the dove, that some seconds before pecked some grains found among the stones of the ground of the viewpoint in Nazaré, where the middle Age Knight D. Fuas Roupinho was stopped, by miracle, to fly until the ocean, far in the deep, only wanted to help me.

Goodwill in such a joyful moment.

When I was almost ready to photograph a group of guests at the wedding, to make one of these photos to remember later, and just a moment before I said ready, go, this friend of mine decided to anticipate and take off on the right spot, but a bit too early.

Of course, the wedding photographer did not get angry, not because he was interrupted in the instructions for the guests and neither because the liftoff was a bit too early. On the contrary, I could not have done anything other than just say thank you and celebrate his goodwill to participate in such a joyful moment.

Being able to take advantage of moments like that and have the humility to say thank you very much, is, also, the job of the self-respecting wedding photographer. I do.

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