Grandmother and mother of the bride, loving, take care of her granddaughter's hair, by the wedding photographer.

The photographer and who is in preparation for the wedding


Grandmother and mother of the bride, loving, take care of her granddaughter's hair, by the wedding photographer.

The photographs are of various moments of the bride and others as she prepares for the wedding ceremony

The process of taking the bride to the altar

When I arrive at the place, where the bride is getting ready, not always she is the only center of attention. That is why, sometimes, the wedding photographer has no time to dedicate himself only to the bride, such as the number of others that belong in the space. To a simple make-up retouch, some more complete work or just waiting for everything must be completed until the moment to go.

But I find always one thing that gives me great satisfaction, not just as a wedding photographer. The first act of the process, taking the bride to the altar, belongs to the family, the communion of tasks that includes everyone, that the wedding photographer takes advantage of because, one day, my clients need to know that they were not alone.

Photographing is an act of communion

I found, also, that photographing is not a technical, or aesthetic, act but communion with what wraps all those moments. If the wedding photographer does not know how to deliver himself into that energy that is full all the place, where he is working, he will not, ever, deliver with his photos the truth happened there. I realized that a long time ago.

Mother of the bride gets a make-up touch-up.
An aunt of the bride while they do her makeup.
Sister of the bride undergoing makeup.
Daughters of the bride, back-to-back and unfocused, watch the process of taking care of their hair for the wedding.

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