Photos of the exit from the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Cascais, at the end of the wedding ceremony
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Emotions and wedding photos
It is a word very present in the posts that I write and in the articles on the blog of the wedding photographer. Also, it walks between words in many people’s conversations, when they describe an event where they have been.
The novels, the movies, the TV series, or, even, the tales we tell are full of them and give the consistency to make us adhere to, and absorb, them until the end. Even, our own life would be very empty without it.
The attraction of emotions for the photographer
Emotion. I find it, constantly, from the moment my cameras and lenses bloom out of the bag that brings them the way, to the first place where they start to fulfill the reason why they went there. I find it in the faces, in the eyes, and in the hands. I find it in the words and, especially, in the voices that, because of it, sometimes, have no voice.
Because my lenses do not know how to photograph words, in the form of sound, wisely, they detect, always, in the faces that project them, a translation that anyone who looks at them, the photos, knows exactly what was being said, thought, and felt.
Maybe, my attraction to emotions led me to be a wedding photographer. We never know, for sure, the main reason why we go for things, or why we stay there, as I did here, on the wedding days.
Emotions in photographs
But, if I try to find a reason for it, the search for emotions was certainly one of them. I was with many years in the profession when I found them, at a wedding that I photographed, accidentally, and I was never able to look the other side, again. I discovered, better, I found that they have such importance in there, that it is worth using a part of my life to discover and carry them, forever, inside the photos I photograph.