The photo is of the bride and groom at their first dance after getting married at the wedding party at Casa de Reguengos
Predict the unexpected
With more or less effort, the wedding photographers when covering the wedding day, since they learn the architecture of it, start to predict the unexpected and have the ability to be calm enough, so that nothing is left to do.
I still remember my first days at the weddings, my affliction predicting the next moves, the center of the events, and, with that, setting the location of the best point of view so that each photo, I could take, was essential for the telling of the story of the day and, especially, the importance of that moment.
How the subject will behave in photographs
However, even today, there is a part of the wedding event that, for more experience and foresight achieved over time, is always a challenge, and that affliction, of the first wedding, comes back to challenge me. Well, it is not that affliction of knowing what to do for the first time, but it is the affliction to predict.
Of course, I react faster, I analyze the surroundings easier when I am in front of a subject on which I have no idea how it will behave. Furthermore, the wedding photographer is, at that moment, subject to an environment of illumination over which he has no power.
Great excitement when looking for photos
But, I do not know if it is my temperament or because of the need for adaptation, those moments of affliction are, truthfully, moments of great excitation, searching for the best way to bring the first dance, of the wedding couple, in photos that shows them how they were, both, in that beautiful moment.
As a wedding photographer, I asked the author of the article, me, to change the word affliction by one used some lines behind, excitation. It is what it is about.
Every time the wedding’s first dance is about to begin, I never stop feeling that excitement in the face of the unpredictable that, instead puts me in an affliction, and throws me into a state of effectiveness that, often, amazes me.