Wedding guests on the move to the ceremony location, followed by the wedding photographer in Portugal.

The photographer moving around in a wedding


Wedding guests on the move to the ceremony location, followed by the wedding photographer in Portugal.

Photos of the groom and some guests on their way to the wedding ceremony

A sense of movement in a photograph

Several times the photos must include one thing part of people when they move around, especially in a group. Something is easy to show in vídeo or cinema, but photography needs to have some elements that, when looking, give the sensation of movement, of action.

The wedding photographer can use several tricks to give that sensation. Once he is in the catch of the action, and without the possibility to direct it, he must find the way. So, quick looking, he can use the way how the people are moving in, find escape lines to give the sensation of tridimensionality, choose a lens that he knows can give him some of that notion, the point from an angle that can accentuate movement or using some twirl movement that can accentuate the notion of direction or speed, showing attention to the first plane size or a careful framing.

The photographer’s reaction to a photo

I already wrote here about how fast the wedding photographer must react, because nobody waits for him, to find the best way to capture the subjects in front of him. Maybe, with time and experience, he does not think about it during the motion of events to catch.  Several times, when editing my photos, I ask myself how I did it because I do not remember exactly how and that makes me happy.  Does this mean that it was not done by chance but because time taught the wedding photographer how to do it?

The groom, on the street, as he heads to his wedding ceremony.
Group of guests heading to the wedding ceremony.

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