The bride, wrapped in the veil of her wedding dress, smiling in happiness after the wedding ceremony is finished, by the wedding photographer.

The photographer on his way to the wedding party


The bride, wrapped in the veil of her wedding dress, smiling in happiness after the wedding ceremony is finished, by the wedding photographer.

Photos of the bride and groom arriving at Quinta do Lumarinho where the wedding party was held

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Wedding suits, dresses and invitations

 Yes, we are married. That is why we are all here, with a wedding photographer,  and, please, give us congratulations because we have been preparing for this for so long. You can not imagine all the work we had to buy a suit, a dress, and flowers and find a place for the party.

Sending invitations and do not forget anyone, combine them at the table, those who know each other, together and those who do not, also, together to get to know each other and, in return, give us party and joy because the serious part is over and we only want to get embraced, tell us that you like us and wish us to live happily ever after.

That is how it must be and we want our share. Here we are, now, we belong to all of you, we want to be foam of your waves, we want to be poppies from your windswept fields. You are here because we want you but we need to be sure about that, do not be shy, we already had you on our shoulders while we swore our oaths to each other when the mister priest told us it was time.

Real smiles

    Well, this is what the wedding photographer thinks that it is, with his exaggerated imagination, you know him already. Still, it must not be so different looking for what he sees in the photos that, constantly, he is preying as if he was one of those birds that do it.

I have already, written here about those wrinkling smiles in the corner of the eyes that assure that they come directly from the heart, with the sincerity that only the ones who love have it and, instead of growing old, make those who are capable of smiling like this, reborn every time they do it.

I know that because I testify it all the time, when I am an instrument of my photographic cameras with their lenses thirsty for photos, in that whirlwind right after the out of the ceremony and before the trip to the place where the party is waiting to be a party.

Observation, trust, and discovery of photographs

    Once over there, the wedding photographer knows that he must be alert and use his principal tools so that nothing is lost: observation, fastness, and trust in his companions of work that, as I already demonstrated here so many times, can be, even, more interested then I and, sometimes, they are the ones that often drag me, when they discover some photographs wandering over there, making everything for not be caught, and do not let the photographer take them with him.

It is of no use to them, because nothing escapes to my lens, cunning and knowing all the tricks that many photographs do, to appear unnoticed. Despite finding myself with enough luggage to not let me get caught careless, I still am surprised by the anticipation that my lenses are able, with those moments that it would be a shame to be forever lost in the fabric of time. 

The photographer’s companions

   You can not imagine the luck I had when I chose them to be the wedding photographer’s companions, harvesting these special orchards that the connoisseurs call marriages.

I celebrate that every day, since I started to get them ready, the photographs, to make them the main characters in that book that will tell an extraordinary story, in this case, the day of Sónia and Francisco’s wedding.

After the wedding ceremony, and already on the street, the bride is surrounded by guests who congratulate her, as seen by the wedding photographer in Lisbon.

The reception of the bride and groom by Quinta do Lumarinho, when they arrive for the wedding party and greet with champagne.

Sitting in the car at Quinta do Lumarinho, the bride and groom look into each other's eyes smiling with happiness, in a portrait by the wedding photographer in Lisbon, Portugal.

Thrilled and hand in hand, the groom and bride look at their hands with the wedding rings, seen by the wedding photographer.

Laughing and looking festive, the newlywed couple enters the dining area at Quinta do Lumarinho, on their way to the table waiting for them, for the wedding photographer in Lisbon.

The bride and groom seen from behind, sitting on chairs decorated with their name and wedding date, as seen by the wedding photographer in Portugal.

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