Flag with the names of the guests, for a table in the meal room of the wedding at Quinta da Cascata in Mafra.

The photographer, the lenses and all things at the wedding


Flag with the names of the guests, for a table in the meal room of the wedding at Quinta da Cascata in Mafra.

Some photos of the venue and decoration at the wedding at Quinta da Cascatas in Mafra

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An interest in photography

I remember a different way of thinking about being a wedding photographer, the time when I started to be interested in photography, so many years ago. At first, it was not so much a photographic attachment, it was only, as it happens with the majority of the persons that photograph, bringing some memory from a place where I was at some point in my life. After that, it was the dive-in and the madness.

Because, even if I didn’t realize so much about it, I wanted to do, immediately, all the things that we can do with photography.

The certainty of being a photographer

Photographing from far away and near, photographing wide and tight, even very tight, photograph the movement and what was still, photograph the living and the inert…well. I remember all the lenses I wish to own and use at the same time, those that contain everything inside for once those that go far away to bring it closer, and those with the ability to make big what is very small.

A long time after, I learned that the best lens, I could ever have, were my legs. It was the moment I thought that it was possible to be a photographer. That is why, as a wedding photographer, my legs are, by far, the most precious tool to photograph the surroundings of the party, going next near some decorative ornaments or following the perfume of the flowers and picking up the bouquet of the bride.

It was like that when I, finally, become a photographer, even at weddings, and with a single lens.

Wide view of the garden where a wedding party is on.
Two roses decorating a table in the meal room of the wedding.
The bouquet of the bride on a table.

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