It was a great day and everybody had a great time. That is how it should be, after the long day which started, for the couple and some of the guests, very early with a get ready to the big feast and now, some of them will repeat the going home just after they all get together around the symbolic cake.
The wedding cake is not just a cake. It is love, friendship, acknowledgment, and retribution. Through the cake, everybody will commune the main reason why there. It is a big moment to share and, because everybody eats his own piece, they all will take the great wish of happiness through life for the couple that shares it as a sign of acknowledgment. I must say, it is one more great moment for the wedding photographer.
The last walk to the cake of the last sharing must be with feast, light, and soul in the form of fire that burns to illuminate, also, the last walk of the day by the couple. After that, each one will leave where he comes from, and the couple to a big and happy life together. The wedding photographer saw, registered, and, also, went home.
Path for the wedding cake at Quinta Pirâmides de S. Pedro in Alandroal.
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