Dancing and playing in photos from the end of the wedding party at Club Nau in Ferragudo, Portimão
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Not a hero after all
I would like to clarify, because it may seem from the way I write about the wedding photographer, his approaches, and some of his adventures within the whirlwind that a wedding day can be, that he can be a kind of hero, of Superman capable of all the enterprises without quiet or tiredness.
He is only a person who fulfills his commitments and his duty towards his friend who has faithfully followed him throughout most of his life, photography. She has already dressed in other clothes, and she has already had various forms. Still, she has never abandoned him until today, even knowing that he is not always easy to put up with the demands of those who make them visible, his cameras and his lenses, which also have their dose of patience.
This is about the parts that are part of the wedding day. I won’t describe them, but they start early and usually continue until late.
Stories with direction
Then there are parts of the day where the wedding photographer has to look like Clark Kent or that superhero I’ve seen in some of their films, who goes from one place to another almost instantaneously, you know so that he can take all the photos in the most unexpected places and the story he’s telling doesn’t lose its way.
In between, such parts of the wedding day, there are other parts where only a few photographs present themselves to make their way inside his lens, and, there, the wedding photographer takes the opportunity to recharge, refuel, and be prepared for another wave of energy expended by the bride and groom and the wedding guests.
But, I have to be honest with you, there is one part there, already long hours from the beginning of the first part, that almost always catches the wedding photographer off guard.
The day has already been long, the night has already got cozy with the gastronomy, that weddings always have, it seems that everyone is already quiet and, also the wedding photographer and his lenses already feel with the task done, the muscles are already cold and it’s just waiting for the last rituals of the day that have to do with a cake and some single ladies.
Photographer all the way
They’re usually left until last. Then it’s not that someone, apparently contracted for that, remembers to announce to the ether as if it came from the place of the gods given to the feast, a musical note that makes and, unexpectedly, everybody jumps out of their chairs and run to a place, already marked by the owners of the party, to receive and share it.
A little unprepared, perhaps, already because of the lateness of the hour and some modesty for the quietness, the wedding photographer jumps, that’s right, this part was still missing. He doesn’t quite know how, but the next thing he knows he’s in the middle of all those people, with his camera in front of his eyes and stealing photos until the end.
Does he have something of a superhero in him after all? Maybe…