In a small mirror, the wedding photographer in Évora captures the bride's face adjusting her eyebrows as she prepares for the wedding at the Convento do Espinheiro in Évora.

The wedding photographer’s enchantment with mirrors, again


In a small mirror, the wedding photographer in Évora captures the bride's face adjusting her eyebrows as she prepares for the wedding at the Convento do Espinheiro in Évora.

Because of some wedding photos, at the bride’s preparation, at the Convento do Espinheiro in Évora

The fascination with mirrors

It couldn’t be otherwise. Once again, the wedding photographer encounters a mirror that makes him lose track of what’s outside. Like an enchanted composer with a melodic line that he reworks in every way his imagination can manage and then calls variants, he tries out all the possible points of view, adrenalizing himself with the strong possibility that he won’t have time to do them all because there have been no rehearsals, nor even any indications that this mirror would appear there with all the mysteries it holds for him.

I’ve written on this blog countless times about mirrors’ fascination with wedding photographers. As I don’t believe you have or will read all those articles looking for one, each time the subject comes up it’s as if it were the first time. So it’s fine for me to repeat myself and I don’t run the risk of someone saying that there he is again with mirrors, it seems that he can’t find anything more fascinating at a wedding.

A mystery for photographs

I do. Only rarely inside a mirror, that world where the left side is the right side and the right side is the left. This world that, with the help of my precious lenses, I can transform even more on the other side of the mirror, into a kind of floating mystery in a marvelous space born to attract glances and attention.

That’s what a mirror does for me, or from me. It’s as if it were a marvelous vortex into which I have no intention of entering, but only of showing what’s in it, as if we were two authorized voyeurs, one, a black hole in reverse, reflecting and creating another light in reverse of the one that entered, and the other, me, fascinated by this return of light that doesn’t want to miss the slightest opportunity to show what it’s like.

Look at this photo in a mirror

I don’t know if I’m making myself clear or if it’s just a wedding photographer obsessed with something that can transform reality and give it back to him more interestingly, at least for him. Maybe it’s something that’s his and his alone. I don’t think so, because every time a photo of him stolen from inside a mirror appears on the page of one of the albums he gives to his brides and grooms, he always notices a look that makes them stay a little longer before turning the page to another discovery.

Maybe it’s worth the wedding photographer’s fascination with mirrors in places where weddings often take place. Maybe…

Dot by dot:

  • How the wedding photographer gets lost when a mirror comes close to the subject he’s photographing, groom, bride, or any of the others present. If they’re in a mirror, it’s to take advantage.
  • On a wedding day, the world of mirrors becomes a real challenge with reverse photographs that enchant me and don’t exist anywhere else.
  • It may just be me, but when I show them in the wedding albums, I always get a look at this one, pointing to the photo taken in the mirror.

You need to know:

  • It was in Convento do Espinheiro in Évora, Portugal
  • I’m sure your wedding will have mirrors somewhere and the photographer will do everything he can to photograph them. He’s like that. Take him with you. Contact him now.
The bride smiles into a small mirror that the wedding photographer in Évora captures as she prepares for the ceremony at the Convento do Espinheiro in Évora.

Between blurs in a hand mirror, the wedding photographer in Évora captures the bride's face as she is being made up at the Convento do Espinheiro in Évora.

Detail of the bride's face in a mirror, as she fixes her eyebrows while getting ready for the ceremony at the Convento do Espinheiro in Évora, as seen by the wedding photographer.

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