Bride and groom, at the time of swearing in the ceremony, in front of the priest, at Igreja Santa Isabel in Lisbon by the wedding photographer.

Wedding at Plaza Ribeiro Telles


Bride and groom, at the time of swearing in the ceremony, in front of the priest, at Igreja Santa Isabel in Lisbon by the wedding photographer.

The photographs belong to a wedding with the ceremony at the Church of Santa Isabel in Lisbon and the party at Plaza Ribeiro Telles

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The ceremony is a strong value of the wedding day

Whoever can follow what I’m doing will notice that I dedicate a lot of photographic space to the photos of the ceremony, religious or civil.

That’s due to two reasons. One is because the ceremony is, as the name implies, the strong value of the wedding day. The couple prepares, hair dress, makeup, and dresses and dedicates a lot of time to finding the small details that make a difference, from the bouquet to the shoes, to be, as they say in French, ravissant, wonderful, and feel the value that, for them, has the ceremony of their marriage. Another is because everything that happens before and after is because of the existence of that ritual. Effectively the couple is husband and wife only after the famous yes.

Photographer aware of emotions

That’s why I feel the duty, as a wedding photographer, to invest everything I know and I can to do better for a wedding ceremony worthy of the solemnity of the couple, family, and guests. But making photographic coverage of the wedding ceremony is much more than  “taking” photographs. To be aware of the emotions, and the communication that will exist between the couple, and me, it is very important to capture the entire atmosphere that surrounds the event. How is the space, how the environment can be used to construct photos that, not altering, accentuate the emotional side of the ceremony, showing what is important, and hiding something that can cause visual discomfort? This is for the wedding photographer, in the use of his gear, knowledge, and sensitivity. On my part, I’ve always invested everything I know about how to photograph the wedding ceremony.

The wedding photographer was a witness

That’s what I did, too, at Joana and Bruno’s wedding at Plaza Ribeiro Telles. The rainy day and low luminous intensity within the church gave me a gentle, almost ethereal, light, which I took advantage of and I think I had succeeded in transmitting that. It was a day of great photographic involvement and great satisfaction for the conviviality that I witnessed throughout the day. That is being a wedding photographer.

Bride at the hairdresser seen through blurred colored bottles.
Groom on the phone while she gets her hair done.
The groom's cufflinks.
Groom buttons wedding apparel vest.
In the mirror, the groom ties his tie.
The groom receives a kiss from his mother, with the father looking on.
The groom, ready for the wedding, leaning against a piece of furniture in the house.
The bride's dress hanging, seen from the door.
Bride's earrings for the wedding.
Bride laughing while someone helps her get dressed, next to her mother.
In makeup, the bride in the process.
Bride smiling in black and white portrait by wedding photographer.
Tried the veil on the bride's hair.
The bride, in the street, as she gets into the car with her father and the driver.
In the car, the bride leaves for the wedding ceremony.
The bride with her father walking up the church steps.
At the church door, the bride prepares to enter the ceremony.
The groom greets the bride's father when she comes to him.
The bride and groom in front of the altar in the church, with the priest and the guests.
The altar area of ​​the Church, with gilding, with the bride and groom seated, the priest and the guests.
The groom, the bride, with the veil over their face, laugh sitting in front of the altar.
Hands of the bride and groom with the ring on the finger of the groom.
The children talking by the altar.
The groom, staring at the priest, with guests in the background, blurred.
Priest, with his back turned out of focus, with the bride and groom in front of him.
The bride, in black and white, during the wedding ceremony.
The newlywed couple leaving the church in a cloud of flower petals.
Arrangement of blue flowers on a wedding party table.
Seashells decorating a table at the wedding party.
The inner square of Plaza Ribeiro Telles with guests in conviviality.
Bride, groom and guests talk to a girl.
In the woods of Plaza Ribeiro Telles, the bride and groom being photographed by the wedding photographer.
The groom peeks through two columns during the wedding photography session.
Portrait of the bride, in black and white, in the garden of Plaza Ribeiro Telles.
The newlyweds next to an old wooden structure, with unfocused garden plants.
Among orange trees, the bride and groom embraced.
The couple look at each other from above.
Next to an old car, the bride and groom receive the light from a window, in the late afternoon.
The groom sitting on an old car, in Plaza Ribeiro Telles.
The bride receives, in a window with red curtains, the light coming from the street.
The newly married couple sitting at a table in the inner square of Plaza Ribeiro Telles.
Looking at each other, in the garden already with the light of the lamps.
The bride and groom in front of the wedding cake when cutting it and offering it to the guests.
The couple cutting the wedding cake.
The couple in a dance step at the wedding party.
Bride danced at her wedding party.
The groom dances with the bride's mother at the wedding reception at Plaza Ribeiro Telles.
Dancing wedding guests.

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