Looking at each other and holding hands, the groom and the bride with blurred trees of the Quinta da Hera in Covilhã, behind, by the wedding photographer.

Wedding in Quinta da Hera, near Covilhã


Looking at each other and holding hands, the groom and the bride with blurred trees of the Quinta da Hera in Covilhã, behind, by the wedding photographer.

The photos are from a wedding in Serra da Estrela, with the ceremony at the Igreja Matriz do Fundão and the party at Quinta da Hera, Covilhã

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Come the snow, for the wedding photographer portfolio

 With an anticipated desire for snow, from Patrícia and Ricardo, and a terrible fear of certain chilblains, the courageous wedding photographer prepares the trip to the place of the best cherries in the world. Well it was nice to photograph in the snow, but the snow is so cold and cold, very cold, it is not so friendly to photograph and even if the polyhedric flakes do not cover the Serra da Estrela I am sure it is cold and if it is cold let come to the snow because it will be great to the portfolio of this friend of photos.

The blue ceiling church, for the ceremony

Well, in the same way, I do not like to know the places where I will go to photograph, because I do not want to anticipate in my raving head, that it is a photographic camera before I see the real ones, also, the end of the year that ends at the end of December did not come with cold, the cold did not come with snow and the wedding photographer did not come with chilblains.

However, I would love to know Ricardo’s family, and review the welcoming of Patricia’s parents, because Patricia is the sister of Paula, and Paula and Vitor are in this blog because, some time ago, they also did the yes in the same blue ceiling church.

For photography settings

As if it was designed for photography settings, Quinta da Hera, after the ceremony, was the place to celebrate. The family and friends knew how to use the high Serra da Estela air of the mountain as only the born and raised there knew how. Inside the whisper of the almost musical and cradle wind in the crowns of the centenary’s mountain trees, Patrícia and Ricardo, sometimes with patience and another with real joy, did the photos as you can see. In the heat of the night, we found a crooner in the voice of Ricardo always a real party at the party.

Of course, the wedding photographer did not stop a bit. Just how he likes it.

Bride, in profile, getting her hair done behind blurred objects.
Bride's face getting her hair done for her wedding.
The groom with the shaving cream on his face.
The groom in front of a closet mirror, while preparing for the wedding.
The groom's father adjusting his son's tie.
Groom's hands putting a decorative piece on the coat lapel.
The groom between his sister and mother, talking about cufflinks.
The groom, ready for the wedding, in the garden of his parents' house
The groom walking before leaving for the wedding ceremony.
Portrait of the smiling groom.
Metal flowers, decorating the bride's dress.
The bride's shoes on a ledge.
Bride helped by her sister in dressing her wedding dress.
The bride's mother and sister adjusting the train of their wedding dress.
The bride's mother puts the necklace around her neck.
The bride's sister and mother in front of her while preparing for the wedding.
With two friends watching, the bride's mother gives her two yellow flowers.
The bride smiles while being photographed reflected in a mirror.
The bride, after getting ready, smiling in a pose for the wedding photographer.
The bride with her mother and sister as they leave the house for the wedding ceremony.
Bride's face, inside the car that takes her to the wedding ceremony.
Small girl with the basket of rings and the bride in the background, blurred.
The bride enters the Igreja Matriz do Fundão with her father among the guests.
The couple reading the book of the mass, at their wedding at the Igreja Matriz do Fundão.
View of the Igreja Matriz do Fundão from the altar, with the priest, the bride and groom and the wedding guests.
The bride and groom at the altar, between two large lit candles and the guests.
Seen from the altar with a lit candle, the bride and groom look at the Mass book.
The groom and the bride, looking at a paper, behind a transparent veil.
The bride among blurred objects at the wedding ceremony.
The bride and groom, side by side during their wedding mass.
Hands of the bride, groom and child, with the basket of rings.
The moment of the exchange of rings at the wedding at the Igreja Matriz do Fundão.
Sitting down and after the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom talk, looking at each other.
The couple, just married and together, look at something in front of them.
The bride and groom laughing happily after exchanging rings.
With a lit candle in the foreground, the bride and groom, holding hands, listen to the priest.
With emotion, the groom when his grandmother receives a kiss from the bride.
A miniature of the Carris Tram 28 in Lisbon.
Among the ivy in the garden, the couple laughs at each other, in the session with the wedding photographer.
The bride and groom sitting by a tree stump with ivy and blurred plants in the foreground.
The bride wrapped in ivy, in the garden of Quinta da Hera in Covilhã.
The groom among old tree trunks in the garden of Quinta da Hera in Covilhã.
Together and holding hands, the bride and groom look at each other, seen from afar in the garden of Quinta da Hera in Covilhã.
As if it were a scene from a black and white movie, the groom in front of the bride, with the trees in the forest.
At the wedding party, the bride's sister shows her something on her cell phone.
The groom and the groom, along with a couple of wedding guests, sing karaoke.
The groom and bride with a large group of women, guests of the wedding, sing karaoke.
Under a round lamp, the groom sings karaoke to the bride at her wedding at Quinta da Hera.
In front of guests and seen from afar, the bride and groom sing at their wedding party.
The bride with two guests, singing.
The newly married couple with guests offering gifts.
A baby on his father's lap and next to his mother who is talking to a gentleman invited to the wedding.
The bride and groom with friends dancing a choreography at the wedding party.

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