The Wedding Photographer there, at one in the morning like an eagle high in the tree, looking for moments to turn into photographs
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It was a camera
Imagine, in my early twenties, I was a philosophy student when a tiny thing came into my hands, literally, and as soon as it got close to my right eye, it changed my life forever. Socrates and Plato were left far behind, and what this tiny thing did took their place forever without the slightest hesitation. It was a camera.
From then on, instead of a mind free in thought in the search for truth – that’s what philosophy does, or at least tries to do – I became a slave to its will, but with complete freedom to use it as I pleased, it was the agreement. So it was and so it has been to my great satisfaction.
The photographs and the wedding stories they tell
I’m not going to tell you the history of the Wedding Photographer here, it would be boring and uninteresting, because I know that the photographs that continue to come out of their cameras will be responsible for bring them in the pages that this place has, in the stories given to so many brides and grooms and that will remain as truth in the books I have made for them. This is far away much more important. All you have to do is wander around here – that’s what I want you to do – and come to your conclusions.
The truth in photographs
If a wedding photographer is someone who is in charge of telling the stories and moments of a wedding day in photographs, then that’s what I’ve been since the day I went to one with my cameras. I’ve stayed there to this day without ever hesitating, once again, like a slave free to use all tricks and fantasies so that the truth in the photographs is always the main goal.
For your eyes
This is the Wedding Photographer who never knows how to talk about himself and the photographs he takes at the weddings he attends. Your eyes will take care of that. Your questions will follow and I’ll answer them all.
I don’t know if this is how a page should be to show the profile of someone who does what they do but, I’m sure, once we get to know each other with a great conversation, which I also really enjoy, will clarify everything. Don’t worry. All you have to do is contact me, to arrange that… conversation.

The Wedding Photographer, late at night, having fun in the midst of people enjoying the night of the wedding party
The Wedding Photographer,
Fernando Colaço
- Photos by Pedro Bento
- A small note: You may have noticed, here and in all blog posts, that sometimes it’s not clear who is the narrator, author, me, and the Wedding Photographer. Sometimes it’s him and sometimes… me, in the same phrase. It’s okay, it’s a question of…writing style or him, the photographer, and me, the writer…it’s me. That’s how it is. Don’t worry about it.